Monday, 26 July 2010

Mea Culpa

I ask your forgiveness readers, I have been a bit lazy of late with regard to posting on the blog. I must confess that I have, quite literally, been enjoying my summer break!

Anyway! What has happened? A fair bit. I have a full time job (until I go back to university), I'm doing filing for the local council's social services department. I have passed my second year (only just passing Greek) and of course, I went on pilgrimage to Rome!

Pictures I hear you cry, PICTURES!

Well, here we go!

Anyone who has been to Rome should have visited this church. It is on the Via di San Giovanni in Laterano and the name of the church is the Basilica di San Clemente. The story goes that Pope St Clement was martyred when he was thrown over the side of a boat with an anchor tied around his neck. When the tide went out there became visible a tomb made of stone, inside the tomb was the martyred Pope. In the 9th Century, St Cyril translated the bones of St Clement to Rome where they were 'deposited' in the high altar of the church of St Clement.

The Mother Church of the world, and one of my personal favourites!

THE AUDIENCE! I was seven rows from the front! Ahahaha! The Holy Father was sporting a rather fetching red saturno.

...I am considering uploading the pictures of the Three Peaks and my Rome pilgrimage to an image hosting website so, if you ever get that bored, you can trawl through them!

I believe that Miss Ellen E. has tagged me in a post so I shall now get on to thinking about my three favourite prayers.

In Domino.