Saturday, 22 January 2011

Cause for Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Suspended

I was told about this over dinner yesterday, I was shocked then (partly because I didn't believe it), but it's true. The Diocese of Peoria has had to suspend the cause for canonisation of Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

It is with great sadness and disappointment, Bishop Jenky announces that after nine years of effort and sacrifice, the Diocese of Peoria is suspending its efforts on behalf of the Beatification of Fulton J. Sheen. The Archdiocese of New York has made it clear that it is not likely that they will ever transfer the remains of Fulton J. Sheen to his home diocese of Peoria. The Bishop hopes that the Archdiocese of New York, in whose Cathedral crypt the earthly remains of the Servant of God are still entombed, might now assume this responsibility. In this endeavor he would pledge the cooperation of his diocese. The bishop urges the clergy, faithful and religious of Peoria to continue to pray for the Cause of Archbishop Sheen whose heroic virtues in announcing the Gospel and serving the poor were an extraordinary blessing in the life of the Catholic Church. The bishop would also like to remind all in his diocese and all those throughout the world who have so enthusiastically supported the Sheen Cause that finally it is only God who makes saints, not men.

The Diocese of Peoria remains committed to promote the message of the great priest, Fulton J. Sheen within our Diocese and to continue to develop our museum and research center devoted to his life.

I pray that the Archbishop of New York may change his mind!

In Domino

I'm not sure when this happpened, but having just found out about it, it is new to me!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Veni Creator Spiritus

One of my favourite chants is that of Veni Creator Spiritus (I also like Veni Sancte Spiritus) - trawling the internet, like most students do, I came across this so I thought I'd share it with you.

We're nowhere near Pentecost, but I think we should invoke the Holy Spirit every day.

In Domino

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Well! I'm rather excited!

Saturday I will be travelling to London (rather early in the morning I hasten to add). I'm going to try and attend the ordinations of the former Anglican bishops at Westminster Cathedral! The three very brave men and their families were received into full communion with the Catholic Church a couple of weeks ago. I've never been to an ordination before!


In Domino

Friday, 7 January 2011

Prayers needed.

I thought I'd (rather cheekily) ask for your prayers at this time!

Why? Well, I've recently applied to my local diocese for seminary formation. It quite literally came down to a conversation with a priest, during which he said "decide" - and I decided :-)

As I say, your prayers will be most appreciated as I prepare for the numerous tests/interviews I have - God willing I'll know by Easter; which isn't that far away!!

In Domino