Saturday, 18 July 2009

"You should be a priest"

These were the words spoken to me by a man who I had known for quite literally 10 minutes. As I was leaving Cardiff's St David's Cathedral yesterday a man stopped me to ask a few questions regarding the resting place(s) of the Archbishops, I helped him as best I could.

After a brief discussion/debate about the post-conciliar church, during which I hinted at my love of both 'forms' of the Roman Rite he concluded our conversations with a question then a statement...

Man: "Are you in seminary?"
Me: "No..."
Man: "You should be a priest!"

This has happened numerous times, by people who've known me a while, and those who I meet briefly (as in this case). I've heard it remarked that, when I'm busying myself with purely secular issues I can get a little annoyed, and generally be a bit grumpy. However. When the topic turns to religion there is a new release of life and I become passionate!

I think I do have a vocation, I pray on it regularly, and I ask for Our Lady's guidance... but it is people like that man yesterday who really inspire you, they see something in you that makes them ask the question, they seem something that makes them make quite a profound statement.

So my question to my reader(s) is.. have you ever planted the idea of a vocation in a young man or young woman's minds? what I mean is, have you asked them? If not, do! They may very well think they have a vocation, or they may have never even thought of it, but what your question will do is begin the questioning process.

Ave Maria

*** I have a poll, please vote!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Rome Experience

I have come across this video on two blogs that I follow, the blogs are those of Fr. Ray Blake and Fr. Timothy Finigan (I had the pleasure of meeting the latter during my visit to the Franciscan Friars).

Basically, the video is about a programme in America, whereby seminarians spend a period of time (6 weeks I think) in the Eternal City. Having visited Rome twice as a pilgrim I can certainly understand why this programme is popular!

I firmly believe that a similar idea should be placed in front of the Bishops Conference, or maybe even just one Diocesan Bishop, the idea being that a seminarian should understand the universality of the Church before being ordained, he should be close to the centre of the Church, if even for a couple of months. Some, of course are fortunate enough to be sent to Rome for their studies.

If, God willing, I am one day to become a seminarian, if I'm not sent to Rome (my Bishop tends to send students to Wonersh, not that we have any!!) i'd like to think that there would be an option for me to spend a couple of months studying in the Eternal City.

Ave Maria

Prayer request..

I request the prayers of my reader(s) for two dear friends of mine, soon to embark on 'life journeys' they are both moving to Northern Ireland, one is to be a First Year Doctor and the other a companion, no doubt finding his own way, both like me feel a calling. Like most however we are still 'shopping around' waiting for the Lord to give us a nudge in the right direction!

I myself seem to be edging closer day-by-day to my home diocese, something which I know one priest in particular would be very happy about! I think, whilst, like most diocese there are some who, shall we say, are unorthodox, there are a few humble priests who get on with the life given to them, and they do it well!

It is for these priests that prayers are needed. Of course, we can not forget those who have lost their way... in this year of priests we should pray for all priests, for those we like, and for those we don't necessarily see eye to eye with!

The priests and religious of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are the most orthodox I have come across, they are also more than loyal to the Holy Father! Whether I feel called to them or not is another matter.

Ave Maria!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

New Layout... ever, I decided to create a new 'layout'. By this, I mean a new 'banner' as you can see it features Our Lady. As any 'normal' Catholic I have a great devotion to Our Lady (for our Seperated brethren.. it's not worship).

Many religious orders have a particular affiliation to Our Lady. We should pray to Our Lady every day, it is through her that Christ was born, who better to aid our petitions than the Mother of Christ?

I would ask you this day to pray for the Rev. Canon Peter Collins STL KHS. Today is Canon Collins' 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the Priesthood, he asked me today for prayers, and therefore I ask my readers to pray for his intentions as well!

Ave Maria!

Monday, 13 July 2009


Dear Readers (and those new to the blog),

I am back, and apologise unreservedly for my absence! I have no excuse apart from my own laziness...

...well a few updates and I think I’ll begin with the most recent; I passed my first year at the University of Kent, yes, I am rather pleased. This should mean that I will be transferring to a university closer to home, I missed home too much!

In June I spent 10 days with the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate at their London house... they are (for now) a community of two friars, serving the sisters in Catford, the parish, and the needs of orthodox Catholics all over London. Their apostolate mainly takes the form of Marian devotion and the media. Continuing the work of the great 20th Century Saint, Maximillian Kolbe, the FI’s main apostolate is the media, mainly producing books, DVDs and cds! The order are the most orthodox I’ve come across, they have a wonderful devotion to the Mother of Our Saviour (the co-redemptorix) and they are loyal to the Holy See, what more could an orthodox young Catholic want?! I strongly advise any young Catholic men and woman to seek out where the FI’s are in their part of the world! Truly inspirational.

Before this I went to Krakow. I was quite literally blown away by the beauty of a city which had (lets face it) in the last century had one hell of a turbulent time! From Nazi occupation to Communist shall we say... ‘Governance’?? I was expecting to find a city which would be a shell of its former glory... I was blown away. The Cathedral is small but very beautiful, and it was wonderful to stand in the Cathedral of the late Holy Father of blessed memory! The Basilica in the main square did not disappoint either, simply beautiful!

Of course a trip to Poland would not be complete without a visit to two sights of acts of sheer horrendous evil. Auschwitz Berceanu; was... difficult. I walked around, praying for the souls of those as I went. When we went to the Guard Tower and one had a chance to survey the entire ‘camp’ I found a tear trickle down my cheek and a question pop into my mind “God, where we you?” It is the first time in many years that I have felt an absence... It sounds rather stupid to say it now, but when one was there I felt God’s absence...

... Anyway, that’s enough for now. I will keep this space updated and create a new layout. I have a new camera so expect pictures!

In Domino.