Thursday 16 July 2009

Rome Experience

I have come across this video on two blogs that I follow, the blogs are those of Fr. Ray Blake and Fr. Timothy Finigan (I had the pleasure of meeting the latter during my visit to the Franciscan Friars).

Basically, the video is about a programme in America, whereby seminarians spend a period of time (6 weeks I think) in the Eternal City. Having visited Rome twice as a pilgrim I can certainly understand why this programme is popular!

I firmly believe that a similar idea should be placed in front of the Bishops Conference, or maybe even just one Diocesan Bishop, the idea being that a seminarian should understand the universality of the Church before being ordained, he should be close to the centre of the Church, if even for a couple of months. Some, of course are fortunate enough to be sent to Rome for their studies.

If, God willing, I am one day to become a seminarian, if I'm not sent to Rome (my Bishop tends to send students to Wonersh, not that we have any!!) i'd like to think that there would be an option for me to spend a couple of months studying in the Eternal City.

Ave Maria

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