Friday 2 April 2010


Before I begin my blogging silence (until after the Easter Vigil) I would like to take this opportunity to which the readers of this blog a blessed Good Friday and may your Holy Saturday be one of quiet contemplation as we await the glorious Resurrection of Our Lord.

I also hope you will join me in praying for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. He has had a very difficult time of late, as has the whole Church.

Today (2nd April) is a very important day for me as it marked a change in my life. Five years on from that change I would like to ask your prayers for me personally.

And finally, today is the anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II. We should pray for him and for his cause.


Idle Rambler said...

Great header!

With assurance of prayers, and good wishes for a blessed Easter.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Happy Easter to you and yours.

God bless.